Curtola Park & Ride
Disable Auto-Renewal Parking Passes
801 Curtola Parkway, Vallejo, CA 94590
SolTrans Curtola Park & Ride Site Map
Trip Planning
Located on the corner of Curtola Parkway and Lemon Street in Vallejo. 590 parking spaces are available 7 days a week, which includes 20 for electric vehicle charging. Casual carpool and kiss and ride areas available.
Please note that there are currently no ticket sales available at Curtola. Day Passes may be purchased when boarding the bus. Please visit Where to Purchase Passes for more information.
Parking Rates
- Daily: $3/day for every 24 hours, 5 day max
- Monthly: $40/calendar month
(Parking availability and prices are subject to change.)
Facility Features
- Served by Route 3, Yellow Line and Red Line
- Connections to Amtrak
- 24/7 Security cameras & LED lighting
- Staffed M-F from 5:30 am to 11 am
- 16 enclosed, secured bike lockers (Bike Link)
Paying for Parking
Please note that there are 6 pay stations on site -- you can pay with debit, credit or cash.
Daily Parking:
- Locate a space and park before paying.
- Pay at on-site Pay Stations or through the Passport Parking App (Download via Apple App Store or Google Play Store)
- Use Zone 9450 when using the app.
Monthly Parking:
- Please use the Passport App or visit the Passport Parking Monthly Parking Permit site.
- Select “Sign Up”
Please note that only debit and credit accepted -- we cannot accept commuter checks.
Overnight Parking (5 day max):
- You must download the Passport Parking App (Download via Apple App Store or Google Play Store).
- Add the number of days (limit 5) that you would like to park.
- Use Zone 9450 when using the app.
Oversized Vehicles
Per Vallejo Municipal Code 8.20.170, oversized vehicles and trailers are not allowed to park in any parking lot within the City. An oversized vehicle is classified as any of the following;
- A gross weight in excess of 6,000 pounds
- An overall length in excess of 21 feet
- A house or truck trailer
If a vehicle takes up more than one parking stall but does not meet the above requirements of an oversized vehicle, the customer must pay for the amount of parking stalls that are used.
Disabled Persons Parking
Disabled Person Parking Placard and License Plate owners are subject to parking permit fees. For information regarding Disabled Person parking, please visit the DMV website.

Leave a Comment
We welcome feedback and questions from SolTrans passengers.
Please fill out the form to send us a message. Customer service hours of operation are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Customer service can be reached at (707) 648-4666 during regular office hours.