SolanoExpress Corridor Study

In partnership with the Solano Transportation Authority (STA), SolTrans has been working to plan and implement revisions to express services in Solano County. The goal of the new service is to simplify service, reduce duplication, meet performance standards, and connect Solano cities better. The routes included in the study are SolTrans Routes 78, 80/82, and 85 and FAST Routes 20, 30, 40 and 90. The project will consolidate routes for more frequent and efficient service. The improvements will roll out in two phases:

  • Phase I - July 1, 2018 involving the SolTrans Route 78
  • Phase II - June 30, 2019 for Routes 80 and 85 to merge to the Red Line
  • Phase II (B)- to increase service north to Fairfield, requires additional bus purchases. Est. effective date August 2020.

The image below summarizes the preferred service alternatives for all SolanoExpress Routes:

Phase II - Red Line Implementation

Effective Sunday, June 30, 2019

The merge of Routes 80 and 85 will go into effect Sunday, June 3o, 2019 with service to and from Vallejo Transit Center to El Cerrito del Norte BART. Service from El Cerrito del Norte BART to Suisun- Fairfield Amtrak Station will begin Monday, July 1, 2019. Red Line stops include:

  • Vallejo Transit Center
  • SolTrans Curtola Park & Ride
  • El Cerrito del Norte BART Station
  • Sonoma Blvd. and Sereno Drive for transfers at the Sereno Transit Center
  • Six Flags Crest, Highway CA-37 at Fairgrounds Drive
  • Suisun Valley Road and Kaiser Drive in Fairfield (Solano Community College)
  • Fairfield Transportation Center
  • Suisun- Fairfield Amtrak Station
  • Solano Town Center Mall

Service scheduling will include:

  • 15-minute peak service between Vallejo and El Cerrito del Norte BART
  • Hourly service to Fairfield
  • Connections to BART and Amtrak
  • Connections to SolTrans local service
  • Early a.m. and late p.m. routing through the Sereno Transit Center
  • SolTrans Route 82 weekday service to San Francisco Ferry Terminal

DRAFT schedule coming soon!

Phase II - Preferred Service Alternatives

Implementation of the Red Line Phase II is set to be effective in July 2019 to allow time to complete key capital projects including a new freeway “in line” bus stop on Highway CA-37 at Fairgrounds Drive service Six Flags. That stop, along with modifications to the Vallejo Transit Center will be completed by Red Line implementation. Draft schedules will be available for comment soon.

New Red Line:Combining Route 80 and Route 85 to create the Red Line which will travel from Suisun-Fairfield Amtrak Station to the El Cerrito del Norte BART station. Red Line stops include:

  • Fairfield Transportation Center
  • Suisun Valley Road and Kaiser Drive in Fairfield (Solano Community College)
  • Highway CA-37 at Fairgrounds Drive in Vallejo (Six Flags), pending construction completion
  • Sonoma Blvd. and Sereno Drive for transfers at the Sereno Transit Center
  • Vallejo Transit Center
  • SolTrans Curtola Park & Ride
  • El Cerrito del Norte BART Station
  • Staff is exploring the option of serving the Solano Town Center Mall
  • Scheduling to reflect current patterns
  • 15-minute peak service between Vallejo and El Cerrito del Norte BART
  • Hourly service to Fairfield
  • Weekend service
  • Connections to BART and Amtrak considered
  • Connections to SolTrans local service considered
  • Weekday a.m. peak service inbound routing to continue through Winchester Street and Sonoma Blvd in Vallejo
  • Early a.m. and late p.m. routing through the Sereno Transit Center
  • Continue Route 82 weekday p.m. trip to San Francisco Ferry Terminal

Phase I - Preferred Service Alternatives

  1. Continuing to operate service only from the Vallejo Transit Center Bus Terminal.
  2. Faster service through Vallejo and Benicia by removing lesser used stops – currently identified as Curtola Parkway and Napa Street in Vallejo and Military West and 14th Street in Benicia.
  3. Elimination of direct service to Diablo Valley College by serving stops on Contra Costa Boulevard only, requiring a short walk to the college campus or transfer to a County Connection route.
  4. Serving Walnut Creek BART Station at all times and Pleasant Hill BART Station only at the most critical time of morning rush hour, to maintain the best bus/bus connections but also accommodate issues with BART train loads.

Request For Public Comment

Phase I Public Comment was open from September 21, 2017 and closed on December 21, 2017.

Phase II Public Comment was open from September 20, 2018 and closed on December 10, 2018.


All service alternatives and planning information can be found on the Board and Committee Meetings page. SolanoExpress Corridor Study information can be found in the following board packets:

SolTrans Board of Directors Sep 21, 2017

SolTrans Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Nov 13, 2017

SolTrans Public Advisory Committee (PAC) Nov 16, 2017

SolTrans Board of Directors Dec 21, 2017

SolTrans Board of Directors Sep 20, 2018

SolTrans Public Advisory Committee (PAC) Dec 4, 2018

SolTrans Board of Directors Dec 20, 2018

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Please fill out the form to send us a message. Customer service hours of operation are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Customer service can be reached at (707) 648-4666 during regular office hours.